Thursday, March 06, 2008

Finally Firing Up the Studio: Glamor

Since my concert venue has been in remission for a couple of weeks (although I will be shooting Chris Rock tomorrow night) I have had time to get some final touches completed in my little studio, the most recent being replacing the sagging PVC supports for my drapes with metal pipes. That done, my wife has ever so graciously agreed to act as a temporary model so I can get a feel for going glamor so that's what I'm doing evenings for a few nights. When I have enough images to be interesting I will be doing a post on these sessions. It is surprisingly tricky to get clean, crisp images that are also glamorous and striking, but I think I am getting there.

I am also lining up a few gals from the neighborhood so that I have a few different faces to show. And when I feel I have gained some control over the studio I will be getting some gals in who could, and might become, models. I expect to doing posts of those sessions, too.

So, hang in there with me. Things are taking off.

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