Thursday, June 04, 2009

Light Photographic Workshops: Online Seminars

LIGHT Photographic Workshops (formerly Lepp Institute) has started a new service: Online Seminars. They seem to come in two flavors: specific topics with one time subscriptions and Monday Night LIGHTS (MNL) with unannounced topics. The MNL series is amazingly cheap: $5 a shot for once a week paid either monthly or annually. [Please note that you must verify all this information yourself ... I am only reporting what I believe to be the case.]

As an introduction to this service LIGHT occasionally offers "free" seminars and one of those is coming on next Monday night, June 8th. You can sign up at as well as find system requirements and time. My inside tip is that this seminar will be about curves for all you folks fearful of this adjustment.

Their website, after rebranding from Lepp to LIGHT is still available at for more detailed information.

Hope to see you there!

Travel Safe.


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