Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm Baaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkkkk!

Chris Fritchie of Soundhole Photography asked me to do a blog. I have a blog. This one! It was just dead. So I will start it up again. I will share all the things that go on for me "behind the scenes" in my Live Entertainment photography business. Actually, I do Live Entertainment (including some sports) and I have one website client, Casa Cassara Vineyard and Winery ... I was originally going to do websites with high quality images, but the images very quickly overcame the website side since every ten year old can do better websites than me! Anyway, I am at my day job [computer programmer for the University of California at Santa Barbara, for the past 30 years] so I can only stay a minute, but when I come back I'll give the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of how I got into what I am into and then write about what is currently going on ... there is ALWAYS stuff currently going on for me, sigh ... including gigs, computers, software, camera equipment, lighting and studio, workflow (big changes recently) and my slow (some would say 'glacial') migration from Ulead PhotoImpact (which is excellent) to Photoshop and from JPEGS to RAW. Fill your CF cards! -Dwight

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